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Hogyan lehet elrejteni a sorokat, ha üres cellák vannak egy oszlopban?

Ha van olyan adattartománya, amely néhány üres cellát tölt be egy oszlopban, most automatikusan el akarja rejteni azokat a sorokat, amelyek az üres cellákat tartalmazzák. Vannak jó módszerek ennek a feladatnak az Excel gyors és egyszerű megoldására?

Sorok automatikus elrejtése, ha üres cellák vannak egy VBA kóddal ellátott oszlopban

nyíl kék jobb buborék Sorok automatikus elrejtése, ha üres cellák vannak egy VBA kóddal ellátott oszlopban

A következő kód segíthet az összes sor elrejtésében, ha egy adott oszlopban egyszerre üres cellák vannak, és ha törli a cellatartalmat ebben az oszlopban, akkor a sorok is automatikusan el lesznek rejtve. Kérjük, tegye a következőket:

1. Kattintson a jobb gombbal azon a lapfülön, amelyen automatikusan el akarja rejteni a sorokat, ha üres cellák vannak egy oszlopban, majd válassza a lehetőséget Kód megtekintése a helyi menüből, a kiugrottban Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications ablakba, kérjük, másolja és illessze be a következő kódot az üresbe Modulok:

VBA kód: Sorok automatikus elrejtése, ha egy oszlop üres cellákat tartalmaz:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xRg As Range
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For Each xRg In Range("A1:A20")
            If xRg.Value = "" Then
                xRg.EntireRow.Hidden = True
                xRg.EntireRow.Hidden = False
            End If
        Next xRg
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

doc automatikus elrejtése 1. sor

Megjegyzések: A fenti kódban A1: A20 az adatlista, amely tartalmazza az automatikusan elrejteni kívánt üres cellákat.

2. Ezután térjen vissza a munkalapra, és most, amikor duplán kattint bármely cellára, és megnyomja a gombot belép kulcs, az A oszlop üres celláit tartalmazó sorokat egyszerre rejtették el, és ha törli a cellatartalmat az A oszlop megadott celláiban, a sorok automatikusan el lesznek rejtve.

doc automatikus elrejtése 2. sor


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Comments (35)
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I already copied the code, but nothing happened in my worksheet, Do I need to change anything with the code?
Thank you.
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I already copied the code, but nothing happened in my worksheet, Do I need to change anything with the code?
Thank you.
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I'm trying to find a way hide blank rows in sheet2 from A2:A20, if Sheet!A5=Yes. any suggestion?
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Hi, i'm having issues with the "automation" of the macro. I'm searching for a way for the code to work as an automated process without the needs of "manually" running the macro. i've been using my own variant of your code due to me finding issues to use your code. This is my variant:

Sub HideRows()
Dim xRg As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each xRg In Range("A3:A800")
If (xRg.Value = "") Then
xRg.EntireRow.Hidden = True
xRg.EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
Next xRg
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet which requires everchanging values, therefore would require a genuine "automated" procress. I'm relatively new to VBA and if your code actually already meets my requirements would you mind helping/teach me to apply it in VBA? Thanks.
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Hello, Vian
In fact, the code in our article can be run automatically.
You must copy and paste the code into the code module of current worksheet, then return to the worksheet, double-click any cell, and press the Enter key, the row containing the blank cell will be is directly hidden.

Please follow the method in this article step by step, hope it can help you!
Thank you!
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apakah ada rumus lain?, saya berharap baris kosong itu akan terhapus saat mencetak file menjadi PDF tapi tampilan di excelnya tetap
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Hello, Nurjanah
To solve your problem, first, you should hide the blank rows, and then print the data, after printing the data, you need unhide the blank rows again. Please do as this:
1. Apply this formula: =COUNTA(A2:E2) beside your data, see screenshot:
2. Then, filter the new helper Blank column, hide all 0 value rows, see screenshot:
3. And then, you should hide the new Blank column, and print the data, after printing the worksheet, please cancel the filter to unhide the blank rows as you need.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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When executing the code in office 2013/2019/2021 it works but takes too much time to complete (only 95 rows to hide).
How can you speed this?
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Hi, Asaf,
The code works well in my Excel file, could you upload your attachment worbook here if you don't mind? So that we can help to check the problem.

Thank you!
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How to hide row which contain checkbox?
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Hello, Sweta

To hide rows with checkbox, the below article may do you a favor:
How To Hide Checkbox When Row Is Hidden In Excel?

Please try, if you still have any other question, please comment here.
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If the value in column E is blank or 0 i would like the row to auto hide. If the value in E changes to something other than blank or 0 I would like it to show. Report is 1500 rows
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Hello, Cathy,
To hide the rows automatically based on blank cells or 0 values, please use the below vba code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xRg As Range
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For Each xRg In Range("E1:E1500")
            If (xRg.Value = "") Or (xRg.Value = "0") Then
                xRg.EntireRow.Hidden = True
                xRg.EntireRow.Hidden = False
            End If
        Next xRg
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Please try, hope it can help you!
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I would like to auto hide rows if column E is blank or 0
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This is working great for me, It hides the rows and opens them when my values change based on formulas.  The question I have is my sheet is 104 rows long.  It churns for a bit each time I click a cell.  Any way to speed up the transition when it is activated?  Or is it my computer?Thanks!
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