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Hogyan lehet vlookupot adni és visszaadni az egyező értéket cellakommentárral?

Ha a Vlookup függvényt az egyező érték visszaadására alkalmazza, akkor az csak formázás nélkül vonja ki az értéket, például kitöltési szín, betűtípus vagy megjegyzés stb. hogy a következő képernyőképet kapja. Hogyan oldhatná meg ezt a munkát az Excel programban?

Vlookup és adja meg az egyező értéket cellakommentárral a VBA kód használatával

Vlookup és adja meg az egyező értéket cellakommentárral a VBA kód használatával

Az alábbi VBA-kód segíthet a vlookup-ban és a megjegyzéssel megegyező érték visszaadásában, kérjük, tegye a következőket:

1. Tartsa lenyomva a ALT + F11 billentyűk megnyitásához Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications ablak.

2. Kattints betétlap > Modulok, majd másolja és illessze be a következő kódot a Modulok Ablak.

VBA kód: Vlookup és egyező érték visszaadása cellamegjegyzéssel:

Function VlookupComment(LookVal As Variant, FTable As Range, FColumn As Long, FType As Long) As Variant
'Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xRet As Variant 'could be an error
    Dim xCell As Range
    xRet = Application.Match(LookVal, FTable.Columns(1), FType)
    If IsError(xRet) Then
        VlookupComment = "Not Found"
        Set xCell = FTable.Columns(FColumn).Cells(1)(xRet)
        VlookupComment = xCell.Value
        With Application.Caller
            If Not .Comment Is Nothing Then
            End If
            If Not xCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
                .AddComment xCell.Comment.Text
            End If
        End With
    End If
End Function

3. Ezután mentse el a kódot, és zárja be a kódablakot, írja be ezt a képletet: = vlookupcomment (H2, A2: C10,3, HAMIS) egy üres cellába az eredmény megkereséséhez, majd nyomja meg a gombot belép kulcs, az egyező érték és a megjegyzés egyszerre kerül vissza, lásd a képernyőképet:

Megjegyzések: A fenti képletben H2 a keresési érték, amelynek vissza szeretné adni a megfelelő értéket, A2: C10 a használni kívánt adattábla, a szám 3 az oszlop száma, amely tartalmazza a visszaadni kívánt egyeztetett értéket.

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skyyang - Thank you, it worked for me. However, only my last comment gets pulled up. How do I get all the comments posted for the specific cell.

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txs a lot. highly appreciated!
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Hello this is a very good function, but it works for Notes, not Comments (this is how it is translated in my native language at least). Is there some way to change it from Notes to Comments? Also, is there a way to keep the cell format? (color of the original cell, etc).
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i've had the same issue. i can only say that having tried via vba to copy comments and notes... only notes are being copied, not the comments (although the have the same meaning, but a different functionality)... Notes seem to be of a static nature, unlike comments where you can keep "posting" to adding new text...Probably that's the reason....
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Hi, fana,
To extract the matched records with the comment in Office 365, please apply the below code:
Function VlookupComment(LookVal As Variant, FTable As Range, FColumn As Long, FType As Long) As Variant
'Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xRet As Variant 'could be an error
    Dim xCell As Range
    xRet = Application.Match(LookVal, FTable.Columns(1), FType)
    If IsError(xRet) Then
        VlookupComment = "Not Found"
        Set xCell = FTable.Columns(FColumn).Cells(1)(xRet)
        VlookupComment = xCell.Value
        With Application.Caller
            If Not .CommentThreaded Is Nothing Then
            End If
            If Not xCell.CommentThreaded Is Nothing Then
                .AddCommentThreaded xCell.CommentThreaded.Text
            End If
        End With
    End If
End Function

After pasting the code, apply this formula: =vlookupcomment(H2,A2:C10,3,FALSE) as well.

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Not working for me. I get #NAME? error when i use this formula. Please help.
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Hello, Sajjad,Did you put the VBA code of this article into your workbook? Please check it.Or which Excel version do you use?Thank you!
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This is a wonderful. But when using this code I find the file crashes a lot on Excel 365. when removing auto save I found it’s a little better. But with multiple users in the file, the file will crash all the time. Does this code use a lot of memory or is it a compatibility issue? Thoughts? Thanks
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Hi! I'm so glad I found this, the thing is, this actually works on notes, and not comments. is there a way to have work on comments and not notes? in notes i cannot tag my coworkers and i cannot reply either. thanks a lot!
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i can do that at the first time. but after i try to use changing formula of multiple cells. It doesn't work now. after even i type vlookupcomment, the cell becomes blank.
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My comment is too large for the default box size. Is there any way to increase the comment box size or possibly decrease the font size?
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If anyone else needs this.

Function VlookupComment(LookVal As Variant, FTable As Range, FColumn As Long, FType As Long) As Variant

'Updateby Extendoffice


Dim xRet As Variant 'could be an error

Dim xCell As Range

xRet = Application.Match(LookVal, FTable.Columns(1), FType)

If IsError(xRet) Then

VlookupComment = "-"


Set xCell = FTable.Columns(FColumn).Cells(1)(xRet)

VlookupComment = xCell.Value

With Application.Caller

If Not .Comment Is Nothing Then


End If

If Not xCell.Comment Is Nothing Then

.AddComment xCell.Comment.Text

.Comment.Shape.ScaleWidth 2, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft

.Comment.Shape.ScaleHeight 2.5, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft

End If

End With

End If

End Function
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I want only Comment as Cell Value using Vlookup...
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Thanks, It's helpful & I have something to askIt returns with cell comment but the Image (Inserted using fill effects ) does not show
Please , help me out of this Issue
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Sorry for that there is no direct code for solving your problem, if anyone has the solution, please comment here.
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In case of spreadsheet protected, when I open my workbook the cell return the error #VALUE!

How we can solve this problem?
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Hello, Frank,
After inserting the code, you should save your workbook as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook format, so that the code will not lose.
Please try! Thank you!
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